October 22, 2022Design

One page cheat-sheet for killer landing pages

  1. Separate landing pages for separate audiences
  2. One call-to-action, repeated
  3. Keep your page simple, spacious, clean, easy to scan
  4. Cut half of your copy, refine the other half 2 times
  5. Make it clear who the product is for > "Email marketing for Bloggers"
  6. Better copy > Find themes in your customer reviews
    Positive > Use language on your page
    Negative > Address concerns
    No reviews? Analyze competitor reviews (G2)
  7. Use Hemingway App for stronger copy
  8. Add urgency if possible
  9. Use product screenshots or gifs instead of illustrations
  10. Illustrations of product OK if complex feature
  11. Split test large design changes first
  12. Use multi-step forms instead of large forms
  13. Even best practices may be wrong, test everything
  14. Run through Pagespeed see if anything is broken
  15. Optimize all images, scripts
  16. Cater to the right audience awareness level (don't explain the obvious benefits of your product to people who already know them and use similar products)
  17. Add testimonials, ratings, social proof
  18. Make it easy to act > free trials
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