One page cheat-sheet for killer landing pages
- Separate landing pages for separate audiences
- One call-to-action, repeated
- Keep your page simple, spacious, clean, easy to scan
- Cut half of your copy, refine the other half 2 times
- Make it clear who the product is for > "Email marketing for Bloggers"
- Better copy > Find themes in your customer reviews
Positive > Use language on your page
Negative > Address concerns
No reviews? Analyze competitor reviews (G2) - Use Hemingway App for stronger copy
- Add urgency if possible
- Use product screenshots or gifs instead of illustrations
- Illustrations of product OK if complex feature
- Split test large design changes first
- Use multi-step forms instead of large forms
- Even best practices may be wrong, test everything
- Run through Pagespeed see if anything is broken
- Optimize all images, scripts
- Cater to the right audience awareness level (don't explain the obvious benefits of your product to people who already know them and use similar products)
- Add testimonials, ratings, social proof
- Make it easy to act > free trials
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